-The Soldier-
The brazer does little to warm the arctic air penetrating the tent. Thankfully the work of preparing my armor for combat takes my mind of the cold. I've already checked the gears and hoses under the steel plates, the special tempered glass visor is free of scuff and scratches. Now I polish the breast plate bearing the crowned black eagle and gold key of the Canton of Geneva. The enamel is scratched and worn from dozens of battles and engagements. I'll have to see it touched up when I return home.
Again I'm pulled from the task at hand to her. I pull the brass pendant from my shirt and flip open the top. The photo of my Camilla straddling a chair smiling sulturingly as her red hair spilling down a milky bare back. She greets me for the thousandth time since my journey to this frozen wasteland began. There is the faint turning of gears as her sweet voice raises from the pendant.
"My dearest Ernest I pray day and night that you return safely home, that I may feel you warm and in my arms once again. I know those northern winters put our Swiss ones to shame so I had the servants pack our warmest bear skin, one papa hunted himself. May St. Michael protect you from all enemies as you win glory and honor for the republic. Your dearest Camilla. May thoughts of me warm you on those cool nights and stir desire in your dreams."
If you only new Camilla that instead of the warmth of love you are the cooling water, quenching the burning iron of my vengeance. It has been a decade since that beast slaughtered my family. The wretch would of murdered me like a thief in the night if it wasnt for my enlistment in the Forgien Service. William strangled, poor Justine hanged unjustly for his murder. Then Cleval was killed nearly sending Victor to the gallows. Then the beast slew sweat Elizabeth my sister in all but blood. The stress sent my father to his grave and Victor lost his life in the pursuit.
Camilla and her family became my saving grace. Leon my fierce fire haired companion dragged me out of my melancholy with a trip to his home the Christmas after my families demise. His mother and father welcomed me as a son. Then there was fierce Camilla. Outspoken, daring and intelligent. She stirred the passion of love in me. It was a joy for me when her father accepted my marriage proposal.
Captain Walton brought me news of Victor's death and even had a chance to talk with the beast. It said it would burn itself in my brothers funeral pyre. While not justice it brought me some measure of peace. Now I could focus on my career and building my family with Camilla. I won my armor figthing for the Holy Roman Emperor, a miracle of inginuity and technology, less than two hundred across Europe. All these eased the pain of the loss of my family.
Then my regiment was contracted to guard the lord of Dikson. There word was spreading of a giant living amongst the arctic natives. He had protected a remote village from more hostile tribes and Russian corsairs. Murderer, monster, no surprise it was a liar as well.
It could only be the abomination Victor loosed upon the world. Now here I am to finish what Victor could not and end the life of this plague upon the house of Frankenstien. Franz parts the tent and enters.
"Am I interrupting Herr Frankenstien?" Franz said. My senior enlisted officer, the well over six foot giant has been with me since my first deployment. He saved me during the siege of Bailen, I returned the favor by dragging him after he was wounded by a German lancer in the Black Forrest. When I took leave of my duties to hunt the murderer of my family Franz followed with a dozen of my most capable soldiers.
"Not at all Sgt. Graf. What do you have to report?"
"Our Siberian scouts found a pair of Inupait tribes men we believe to be from the target village. I'm afraid one has died in the course of capture and the interrogation tactics of our Russian companions might be, ah to aggresive to yield fruitful information."
I sigh pullinging on arctic coat and strap a belt around the waist. I shove my chainsword sword and pistol in my belt exiting the tent. The cold hits like a blow to the face, past the roaring fire a group of Russians and our indigenous guides are gathered around a sled.
The Russians are corsairs barely above pirates harassing the siberian tribes along the coast, taking what little wealth they have. Their loyalty easily and cheaply bought. The Siberian guides are from an opposing tribe that used to harras the Inupuit until the arrival of my brothers wretched killer.
My own men hold back armed with six shot cylinder muskets waiting for my word. I push through, the captured Inupait is tied by his arms to the sled. Oleg the Russsian leader is beating him with his fists.
"What is going on here?" I shout in a voice accustomed to yelling orders over the roar of canon fire.
"This savage is part of the village. I'm just encouraging him to tell us what kind of weapons they have." Oleg says. Oleg is a minor noble with enough money to buy a ship and vicious enough to use that ship as a pirate. A free booter with a reputation for being particularly ruthless. That reputation was soiled after a single Inpuit village repulsed his raid. I was one of the few to believe his story about a misshapen giant protecting the village.
"He can tell us nothing if he's dead."
Oleg laughs. "We are here to slaughter these savages no? What's one more dead?"
"I came to this God forsaken wasteland to hunt a murder. Not to kill tribes men to mend your bruised ego."
Oleg approaches standing inches away from my face. We are of the same height, his eyes are hard blue in a wind and sun burned face. I've seen battle, killed men even ordered my own men to theirs deaths in hopeless attacks. I did my duty serving my country. Oleg enjoyed the slaughter and based on his reputation not just men he put to the sword.
"I thought you Swiss were supposed to be strong. Don't tell me I was mistsken?"
"If being strong is slaughtering women and children I am proud to say the Swiss are not."
Oleg curses he goes for a knife sheathed on his hip. I kick his knee and push him to the snow. I draw my chain sword from its scabbard thumbing the activation gear. The teeth spin a hairs breath from the corsairs face. There is shouting as the Russians raise their weapons, I hear my men shouting for the Russians to put their weapons down.
On my word my men would open fire. The rotating cylinder dropping fresh powder and balls as a shot is fired would be enough to put the mob of corsairs and Siberians down. Their rifles are old single shots. I raise my sword above my head deactivating the blade.
"May I remind you gentlemen that you are in my employ. You are to lead us to the village nothing more. What you do after we leave is between you and God. " I say in Russian. I offer my hand to Oleg. He grudgingly accepts it. I pull him to his feet dragging him close.
"Remeber you only get the rest of the money after we complete our mission." I whisper. "Don't let pride get in the way of that Oleg."
Oleg slinks off with his men. I signal two of my men to cut down the Inupait.
"Sgt. Graf see that the Inupaits wounds are treated. I want him fit for travel at first light." I say moving to my tent.
"Of course sir. What will be our plan for attack?"
"We won't attack. I'll handle the monster myself."
"You sure that's wise sir? How do you know the monster will consent to a duel?"
I open my tent finally thank full for my brazer.
"Dozens of armed men at his door plus a hostage. He'll consent if he truly is the village's 'guardian'." I spit the last word. I look at my armor. Polished steel and brass from head to foot.
"I might make a poor St. George Franz but pray that I may slay this murderous dragon."
"You're hardly a poor St. George sir. Please try to get some sleep."
I dismiss Franz and continue to prep my war gear for tomorow. Sleep won't come so close to my goal.
My aunts and uncles chase me, their eyes blood shot and bulging from their skulls.
"Monster! Wretch! Fiend!" They shout as they chase me through the tundra. William is the first to catch me. Clawing at my legs dragging me down.
"I was so young nephew why did you kill me? I never hurt anyone." His eyes look sad. I feel a rope wrapping around my neck choking me.
"I hanged for your crime! I didn't deserve to die!" Justine shouts pulling the rope tight with supernatural strength.
I felt claws rend the flesh from his arm. "I had fiance. Why did you take me from her?" Cleval shrieks, clawing at my white skin. His nails expose sinew and veins. Blood pours into the snow.
The last is Elizibeth brandishing a blade. "I just loved the man who gave you life. Why did I deserve to die?"
"I'm sorry." Is what I try to say but the cord chokes my words from my throat. The blade slams into my chest and I wake up.
"Adam?Adam! Its over you are ok." Ila shakes me awake. I look into the eyes of Ila. Ila beautiful to me savior of my soul. She saw my fathers funeral pyre that I tried to imolate myself on. She tried to pull me off as the flames licked up my clothes. I had to jump off in order to stop the fire from consuming her.
She's not a physically beautiful woman by natural human standards. Mostly do to a bear attack as a child that left her lame and face scarred. Her soul though put Angel's to shame. With courage to save a monster like me from a fiery death.
"I'm fine now Ila. Did I wake Victor?" I look to our son still asleep in his. Not even eight years old but almost as tall as a grown man. His hair black as coal and skin pale as mine. Thankfully his skin is less tight than mine, not bulging tightly showing vein and muscle rippling beneath. He inherited his mothers eyes and not my yellow misshapen ones thank God.
She shakes he head. "He sleeps still. What happened? Another nigthmare?"
I tell her about my victims coming for vengeance. "I'm always surprised my father isn't part of the mob. In a certain way I hurt him the most, though he did not die by my hand."
"Adam," Ila using my fathers name for me. "Its been so long and you've done so much good for us. Protecting the village from those who've abused us and you have hunted more food than we've ever had before. What harm you've caused you have more than balanced with good."
"I'm not sure that's how it works."
Ila smiles and kisses me gently. "Well maybe I can take your mind of things?"
She begins to remove her fur coat and I catch a brief hint of bare flesh. Katjuk burst through the tent out of breath. Ila quickly covers herself and roles off me.
"Adam we have dozens of armed men outside the village! They have Panuk as a hostage."
"Damm. What are they Russian or another tribe?" I say as I gather my seal skin cloak, knife and bear thigh club around the hut.
"Both and another group of men. With strange shaped muskets. They have the bearing of soldiers."
"Stay in the hut with Victor." I say to Ila grabbing the harpoon I traded with some passing whalers.
"Be careful." She says as I exit the hut ducking low out of the seal hide flap.
Most of the men gathered on the village edge armed with a mix of rifles and hunting spears. The invaders are a hundred yards away. Panuk is standing between two soldiers armed with the strange six cylinder muskets that Katjuk reported.
A man detaches from the group holding a white flag. I drop my spear and club approaching the man.
The man is tall by natural human standards and burly. His clothing is well made soldiers winter gear, not the rough pelt or skins of natives or corsairs.
"My commander said you would be easy to pick out. By God he was right. You are quite the specimen." The burly soldier says.
"And who is your master? What does he want with these poor tribesmen who live at the end if the world? They have little in the way of wealth for you to plunder."
"We are no marauders. Well," the burley man considers the corsairs and natives "my men are not. I am Sgt. Franz Graf of the 7th Swiss Forgien Service regiment. My Commander is Major Ernest Frankenstein."
My heart skips a beat. "Victor's brother."
"The one and the same. He wishes no trouble for the tribesmen, all he desires is to meet you in single combat. To let God decide your guilt or innocence."
"What guarentee do I have that you'll depart this tundra should your master fall?"
"My masters honor as a Frankenstien and an officer of figthing men."
I could lay into these men here, I would be struck down but many of them would die. The village might be able to slay the rest. Maybe not. Ila and Victor may not survive.
"If you lie and I live, you die." I say staring into the Sergeants eyes. His gaze wavers, but he lasted longer than most under my yellow trans-human eyes.
"Gather what weapons you wish. No firearms." Sgt. Graf says returning his gaze to mine.
"And the boy?" I say gestering towards Panuk. Graf nods and they release him.
I lead Panuk back to the village. He's bloodied with one side of his face swelled up, but alive.
"Are you well?"
"They killed Nuluk." He says. "They would of killed me but their leader of the forgieniers saved my life."
"He's a Frankenstien they have honor."
I gather my harpoon and club. I order Katjuk to keep watch and I return to the armed invaders. Their sleds are pulled by automodogs. Brass and iron geared automatons roughly shaped like canines. As long as coal is placed in their engines they dont quit, they dont get cold. A miracle of the age of science. Now they drag a curse of the age of science to his fate.
Five sleds one in front, two one either side and one behind me. All the men keep their eyes on me. In a short amount of time we crest the ridge of a hill, the drivers blow a brass whistle in a sequence of notes that make the automodogs stop. There he stands in a steel and brass suit of armor. A power pack blows black smoke behind him. The hill is surrounded by water on three sides. The soldiers guard the only exit.
I step off the sled approaching my opponent, the collection of raiders and warriors follow behind me. He looks much like Victor, leaner more wolf like. A warrior, a knight in shining armor come to slay a monster.
"You know who I am monster?" My last uncle asks.
"You are my father's brother Ernest Frankenstien."
"Do not sully my brother's good name you wretch!" Ernest shouts pointing a metal clad hand at me. Gears shift with the gesture. "He does not deserve to have his memory dragged through the mud by you abomination."
"Yet he created me, abandoned me. I had to learn how to survive on my own. A freak! Despised by all the world. I have harmed our family much my dear uncle, but do not think that my father is without blame."
"I tire of this murderer. Today you answer for your crimes." Ernest places his helmet on his head, there is a hiss of air as the seal activates. He draws a chain sword from the scabbard on his hip. The gleaming steel teeth spin with a click of a switch on the hilt.
I charge aiming my thrust at the rubber neck seal. The flat of the chainsword knocks away my harpoon and I strike snow. Ernest swings I block the blow with my bear bone club. The teeth of the sword chew through like fire melting ice. Shards of bone strike my face. I jump back. Just a touch of the spinning blades is enough to rip through my cloak and draw blood from my chest.
I stab at Ernests chest. The metal dents deforming the eagle and key sigil. He grabs the shaft and yanks me forwards. I release my grip on the harpoon, ducking underneath the the chain sword. Strands of my long black hair fall to the snow as razor sharp teeth slice into the flying stands.
I slam my shoulder into metal clad knees. Ernest tumbles over my back. The bulkiness of his coal powered pack makes it difficult for him to get up. He flails the chainsword wildly in front of him in an effort to keep me away.
I rip off my seal skinned cloak exposing my white taunt skin to the arctic air. I toss the cloak into the teeth of the chain sword. Leather is sucked into the spinning chain, the motor chokes on the skin and with a spark and smoke of a small explosion the motor dies.
I draw my knife from my hip and leap on my opponent, my knife aimed for his exposed neck. He grasps my arm with both hands. Metal fingers bite hard into my wrist. I feel bone twist and crack. Still I plunge ever closer to my target, inch by inch.
My blade tip touches the rubber seal. My opponent releases my wrist with one hand and turns a knob on the gauntlet still trying to stop my blade from tearing into his throat.
There is a shock as electricity arcs from the gauntlet into my body. I spasm as my grip on my knife lossens. I drop the blade and Ernest tosses me away from him. Ernest roles on top of me and begins punching me. Metal knuckles pound my face, splitting skin and breaking bone. I spit teeth as a right hook connects with my jaw.
He removes his helmet, dropping it to the snow. He picks up my knife pressing it to my throat. Blood and sweat stained hair covers my eyes. The beating makes my vision blurry. Yet I can still see the hatred in his eyes.
"This is for my family you monstrous bas-" Ernest turns his head taking his eyes off me. Then I hear Victors voice.
I turn Victor is being held down by four men. Two more are sprawled on the ground bleeding. A blonde corsair places a pistol to Victor's head.
"Victor!" I manage to scream through broken teeth.
"Stop!" Ernest shouts rising. "I told you to leave the villagers alone Oleg."
"Are you blind? It's the spawn if that monster. The son of this devil. The world would be better off without it." Oleg retorts.
"Actions make men murders not birth."
"These savages took my respect. I am a laughing stock. I will have my vengeance."
"Not if you want to get paid."
Oleg smirks. "I think I'll have both." Oleg raises his pistol, aiming at Ernest's head. Sgt. Graf leaps on the Russian the pistol fires the shot hitting Ernests metal covered feet.
There is a thunder of fire, bedlam as Swiss soldiers and Rusdian corsairs fire on each other in close quarters. Ernest charges into the fray holding his hands in front of his exposed head as shots rain down on him.
I roll to my side reaching for my harpoon. I grasp it and use in to raise my self to my feet. Ernest has pumled three Siberian tribesmen who lay bloody at his feet. Oleg stands above a bleeding Graf aiming a rifle at Ernest.
I throw my harpoon, it punches through Olegs chest sending the pirate flying through the air.
The shooting has stopped, the swiss with their revolving shot muskets stand victorious.
"Papa!" Victor yells running to me. He wraps his arms around my waist. I embrace him, it could be the last time I might ever get to.
Ernest helps Graf to his feet. He scoops a rifle from the snow covered battle field. He looks at me and then to my son.
"Please," I plead. "Spare my son."
"Move out bring the wounded and prisoners. Leave the dead." Ernests shouts and his men respond gathering wounded and herding prisoners to the automodog sleds.
"Don't think I forgive you or that by saving my life that you've earned a reprieve from God's wrath. You just earned a reprieve from mine."
"I thank you Major Frankenstien. For your generosity and saving the life of my son." I notice the steel and brass helmet laying on the snow.
"Victor," I say pointing towards the Helmet.
"Return that to Herr Frankenstien." Victor grabs the helmet and hesitates. "Go on now."
Sheepishly he makes his way to Ernest who hesitantly yet graciously accepts the helmet. He nods to the boy nearly as tall as him.
"Boy if you ever find yourself in the world. Have your father tell you how to find the house of Frankenstien. You will find refuge I'm your grandfathers house."